Saturday, September 25, 2010

Evalution of engagement project or EfSD

One of the most important things I learnt in my previous job was the importance of building evaluation into a program from its development, especially in terms of clear and obtainable indicators. This helps with later reporting and with seeing if you've met your objectives along the way. Clear reporting against indicators also helps securing future funding for continuing the project, as it means you can set out clearly why your project/program works and its outcomes and impacts.

I find its often easiest to develop an idea of the end outcome or impact desired, and then work backwards setting up key indicators along the way eg:
  • we want to bring about X
  • we will know that has happened when A, B, C, D, G
  • taking A, we will know that has happened when i, ii, iii, iv
  • to get to i, we need to do 1, 2, 3
Doing this as part of project development (allowing in these indicators for flexibility and minor course corrections over the project) I find it allowed me to tackle really difficult or large objectives to map a coherant path to achieving them.

  • Indicators are specific characteristics, phenomena, actions or outputs that mark the progress of a project (eg steering committee meetings, material development)
  • Outputs are materials or resources that are generated by the project (eg reports, teaching resources, media)
  • Outcomes are results related to the project objectives (eg increased capacity, learning defined skills etc)
  • Impacts are the long term goals or consequences of a project (eg sustainability built into policy design processes)

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